• Taking a peek at arm tattoos

    Taking a peek at arm tattoos

    Arm tattoos are not new to the tattoo scene, but full sleeves have new aesthetics among the youth. In this slideshow, we highlight two popular trends – minimalist and patchwork arm design. Take a look at various arm tats ranging in color, placement, and style. Gallery by Riley Jones

  • The obscure permanence of a trend

    The obscure permanence of a trend

    We all know that tattoos have a variety of associations based on the audience in question. Stigmas last through generations as permanently as tattoos. Contrastingly, so do trends. Tattoo trends are particularly interesting because of the juxtaposition of it – tattoos are forever, while trends are temporary. How does getting something so permanent reflect the…

  • How the intimacy of the tattoo industry is living and breathing in Denver

    How the intimacy of the tattoo industry is living and breathing in Denver

    Tattoos might not be a new phenomenon, but new trends have revealed another layer to the influential relationships necessary when wearing art on your skin. American tattoo trends have gone through many stages, starting in the mid-19th century when soldiers were tattooed to ensure identification if they died in battle. Early sailors tattooed their expeditions…